Monday, September 19, 2011

Anatomy of a Sunset

When I'm writing, I'm not aware of time passing and am surprised when I look up and see visible signs of that lapse.   I took this set of pics over the course of an hour while I was also writing. (The yellow globe in these photos is the reflection of the interior light, not an errant moon.)

The photos remind me of successive drafts of a work in progress: the layering and deepening of the story with each draft.

With care and luck, that final draft might be a thing of beauty, rich but subtle?

But then, that is for the reader to judge.


  1. I love this, Sharon. The always thoughtful and inquisitive nature of your blog posts give me a great lift when I need one. Thank you!

  2. Hey Sharon. What a beautiful series. Not hard to get lost in such beauty. I have my class tomorrow, but other than that, I plan to take at least part of the day off. You'll probably be writing!

  3. A sensitive post!
    Your pictures are excellent!
    Brilliant idea dear Sharon, very well composed!

  4. Gorgeous photo progression of my favorite time to view the skies! I love how the inside light does look like the moon. You are so thoughtful in your comparisons of what you observe to your work. I shared the squirrel stories with students after we read A Fine, Fine School last week. They believe you were sharing the message that learning occurs when we are out in the world observing and moving with others, not just inside the school building.

  5. Beautiful post. My 7th grade students are starting to learn a layered revision process. This is a perfect metaphor and I would like to show it in class. Thank you.

  6. Mood lighting. Isn't Mother Nature exquisite?

  7. Time passes. If you love what you do time stands still. I can spend an hour or two on one paragraph of three sentences. I don't like to do it because I think I should be able to do it the way I want it the first time.

    But I see things that would make it easier to read and make more sense if one or two words were changed around from the back to the front. Things like that.

    I still write newspaper stories—memories—mostly about how life was once upon a time before anything fancy like inside plumbing and telephones were required in homes. The young people today never heard a radio program which gives you the second by second outline and you have to use your brain to fill the details in. I like that kind of writing and that kind of story.

    The person we talk to on the other end of the phone, for years, turns out to be a totally different person when you meet up for the first time. It is amazing how our mind works.

    I was absolutely floored that on Dancing with the Stars, the lady judge I don't care much for—Nancy Grace—was not pencil-thin after all but had some flesh-n-fat on her bones.

  8. Fifty-four plus years ago, Lois Anne and I honeymooned in northern Minnesota on Lake Vermilion.

    We took some slides. One of those slides is eerily similar to these photos of yours. The setting, the trees, the lake ... almost identical.

    Amazing. And good memories!

  9. One of the joys of photography is the chance to revisit and examine the progression of moments as in this wonderful series photographs. Everything is changing, every second of the day. Thank you for sharing your observations and the beauty outside your window.

  10. It's always an enchantment to see the blue light becoming like gold, then like blood, in a strange and fabulous alchimy..
