Friday, July 1, 2011


This may not look like a bountiful harvest to you (lettuce, a few peas, one green bean and a marigold), but I am so excited by it! Although I've always grown flowers, this is the first year I've planted vegetables, and to be honest, I'm shocked that they actually grew! Into food! That you can eat! And they taste completely YUM.

My dad always planted a big garden, with tomatoes, corn, beans, cucumbers. My garden is a much smaller version, but I think he'd be proud to see it.

When I first began writing, I didn't believe that a page this day and another that day would actually ever grow into anything worthy of the word 'novel,' but I learned that with care and patience and trust, those words could grow into something worthy.

Not unlike gardening, when you think about it.  Do you plant vegetables or words or . . .?


  1. I plant words! And I'd love to have a small vegetable garden some day. Your little vegetable harvest looks delicious!

  2. In my yard, I've planted basil, thyme, catnip and a few tricky tomatoes that don't want to ripen. At my desk, I plant words. Words, words and more words. Words that stay as green as those tricky little tomatoes.

  3. Small garden: corn, lettuce, squash, pumpkins, beets, basil, tomatoes, cukes, beans, carrots etc. I'm attempting to do a better job cultivating my words.

  4. Soon you'll have enough for a whole salad!

  5. Gardening these days is almost like magic. Some people say they do it but you never get to see it. We often eat tomatoes from volunteer plants that sprout. From a whole tomato tossed out last year I find two plants in different locations. Talk about walking seeds...

  6. you are a natural gardener of words and plants.

  7. That's very promising! Bravo! And understand your excitment! I love gardening too;o)
    Thanks for sharing. And thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment;o)
    ¤ Have a nice and happy weekend ¤

  8. Can't beat eating fresh goodies from your garden. Ours is huge...garlic, onions, leeks, chives, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, squash, beets, spinach and a couple of herbs. Already devoured rhubarb and strawberries.
    As for words...I need to write more...

  9. I plant words and vegetables. Both are equally nourishing.
