Friday, March 4, 2011

Looka, Looka

Looka, looka:  trees are budding:  spring! Always astounding. So much renewal and energy and force–especially welcome to my northern friends this year, I think. This is in NC, but soon it will creep northward . . .

And speaking of creeping and renewal: While I'm wrapping up final revisions on one book, buds for a new one are preparing to emerge. I've learned to trust this process. Yesterday, I woke with the opening to the next story, the first paragraph intact, like a flower opened overnight:

There is a larger lesson here, one not so mushy, but the words today are still stuck in the muck. Alas.


  1. Beautiful! I haven't seen any buds here in PA yet. I'm anxiously waiting for them to appear!

    Good luck with your revisions and your new story. Can't wait to see what you have in the works! :)

  2. Don't you love it when that first paragraph just arrives in your head, like it took a bus from somewhere fare away and decided to get off at your stop?


  3. I love Meg's comment. Hubba, hubba!

  4. We have a few buds forming here as well. I also love Meg's comment. What a way to express it!

  5. I love Meg's comment, too. Congratulations on the work nearly done and the exciting new bud opening inside you!

  6. I'd say you are off to a great spring!

  7. Wow! You mean Maine, Vermont and New York state might soon see this phenomenom?

  8. It's so lovely, I feel Spring in the air, and I'm enchanted by your ideas!
    Have a great week!

  9. If your blog had a "Like" button, I'd be clicking it right now. I love the beautiful photos and reference to your dream.

  10. beautiful! Love the way that new idea unfolds, just when it's ready. happy blossoming! :)
