Saturday, December 18, 2010


Winter's late afternoon light streams in all the windows and makes the rooms glow.  I'm always trying to capture that light.  After I'm long gone, someone will come across dozens of photos of light-on-walls and perhaps wonder why on earth I'd take all those 'empty' shots.  Empty? Maybe I'll be the shadow in the room.


  1. Sometimes it is so hard to capture the things we see with the eye onto a photograph. Glad to see you keep trying.

  2. That afternoon light grabs me all the time too. I can't tell you how many pictures I have taken. You probably have seen some of them on my Journal. Wasn't today beautiful?

  3. You will definitely be the shadow in the room...and I can see you there...lurking just out of the light!

    It's a beautiful photo and I'm with you...that kind of light is a photographer's delight!

  4. And what a beautiful shadow in the room you make.

  5. Reflections are a big part of my life.

  6. This looks like such a warm room right now. Remember: the Shadow Knows!

  7. I love photographing shadows and I can understand your fascination with that. I think this image really tells a story and I love the idea of you being the shadow one day...

    Happy Holidays, Sharon!

    – g
