Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Story Branches

Started three different stories.

Usually I only work on one at a time.

Wonder what will happen.



  1. Maybe a good thing: when you can't work on one, you can write a part of an other.Jumping from a story to an other.You'll be an acrobat of writing! :o)

  2. Three pieces might end up running together. You might know better than us.
    btw I've gotta get me some strawberry licorice.

  3. I guess anything can happen. How exciting! I am guessing one of them will start talking to you more and take the lead. :) Best of luck!

  4. Maybe the start of something wonderful.

  5. What will happen? You will finish 3 stories.

  6. It's fun to wonder what will happen, yes? That tree is remarkably red, it looks like a created sculpture. I see its 3 trunks then branch out in lots of directions...

  7. Your stories must have the same root, then.
    Your tree (Eastern strawberry?) is beautiful. I love those red trees. We call them ktalav in Israel. My blog opened with a photo of one in the rain six years ago and it was a good sign. May it be for you too.

  8. Maybe the subplots will graft together, words budding on top of each other...
