Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Picking up where I left off . . .

I had to stop working on this manuscript a few months ago in order to turn to other pressing matters but had set a date of September 1 to continue at full tilt.  In the past month, I've overhauled my office and cleared the decks. Today is September 1 and I'm ready.  Ready!  

I don't normally like to talk about writing because that can get in the way of actually doing the writing. But what you see above are 260 pages of a novel-in-progress. In an earlier blog post, I explained about the different colored pages representing different stages of writing (the earliest, gold ones from May, 2009.)  Usually I can steam ahead for three months at a time, so that batch of gold/blue/green/white /green represents about 15 months for this book so far.

Today I read through all those pages to refresh my memory and re-enter the rhythm of the story.

I'll turn to the computer and open up a new page 261:

And now I will stop talking about writing and actually do it.

Ciao, bellas. . . .


  1. Until now this day has NOT been particularly good. But reading that you are working on a new book definitely improves both my day & my mood in general! Woooooohoooooo! (Ooops. I should be quiet and let you write. I'm backing away now!)

  2. I feel like I'm getting a chance to watch something special being created. Thank you for sharing, I think a lot of us appreciate your willingness to share the writing process, especially on how to regroup after being on hiatus.

  3. Waiting for your novel's appearance....I am also writing down a kind of life journal; too shy to call it 'memoirs'!

  4. Chapter Sixty-Eight...and such a beautiful imagination is whirring as I try to picture what's come before and what will come after.

  5. Sending the writing Muses to hover. My editor has my book and that leaves me researching the next book. LOVE IT.

    Your mind might wander, it being a Mercury Retrograde phase. Although... the most profound ideas come during these phases, too. Ah, I can hear the sound of your virtual pencil sharpener as I type this.

    I wish you peace (and a plethora of words). Elaine Edelson (Annie's buddy)

  6. I loved this glimpse into the life of a writer.

  7. Have at it! Best wishes for a wonderful holiday!

  8. Oh yes, I love the insight into what makes writers tick, so to speak. I'm intrigued by where, when, how they work. Is there target date for this one? Spring '11? Summer?

  9. Birdman: good guess! Due date for submission is spring '11. Publication will be Fall '12.

  10. For me, when I'm talking about writing it means I'm procrastinating. It's the process that is so exciting and fulfilling which you are in the midst of right now. I am excited for you and can't wait to hear and see updates.

  11. Good luck on the novel. Don't we all go through writer's slump once in a while. Or just get busy with life.

    Thanks for coming by my blog.

  12. Hey Shutterbug- Here's my take--When I'm talking about writing, in the middle of it, it is part of my process... it tends to help get me through the 'mountains'. It's me. Same with photography, I guess.

  13. Thanks for all your nice comments today, Sharon. Much appreciated. Hope you're coming along with your writing by now. Writing can be such very hard work. I've not tackled a novel yet...I think I'm getting lazier in my old age!

  14. You have a blessed talent, good luck, everything will be wonderful tomorrow! :)
