Friday, March 13, 2015

Sun Worship

the sun came out

and we turned our heads
toward it

we said

. . .



  1. Are you home with no snow? We are still loaded, but over 50 per cent is gone. Great photos.

    1. This is in NC . . . Still loads of snow in Maine . . .

  2. I have a question: where were the turtles when there was ice and snow?! Do hey hide to survive?Have you lots of them in your part of the world?..

    1. Malyss: This was taken in NC, where they don't typically get snow in the winter. There *are* turtles in Maine tho, and I think they hibernate in the muddy bottom of lakes and ponds. Not sure about that tho!

    2. Yes, they do hunker down in the mud for the winter, their body temperatures dropping to their surroundings.

    3. Thanks, Kim, for that info . . .

  3. I'm waiting for the snow to melt to fully capture this feeling.

    Have you ever been to the Bronx Botanical gardens? They have a huge number of turtles always stacking and basking. They seem to love the sun like no other creature.

  4. Where the altar? After this winter, I think I've been away from services too long. I BELIEVE... I really do! Where that Mr. Sun?

  5. We can only hope for days like that here in Maine, right? I just love this poem and am going to post it in my classroom window (with your permission of course)!

  6. We live on such a diverse planet!!! Down there it is heads turned up, "Aaaaah", here it is heads sunk down into shoulders, "Brrrrr" What a miracle, seeling those little guys!

  7. Just as we do here in Finland, we turn now also our heads toward the sun.
    Lovely photos.

  8. I noticed that our local paper today (4/12/15) indicated that you will be honored at the 40th annual Kerlan Award Literature Collection on this coming Saturday the 18th at the University of Minnesota. I will try to get tickets to the luncheon so I can meet another CDP blogger!! Congratulations!!

  9. Sharon, congratulations on your latest... the Kerlan Award. Richly deserved.

  10. Perfect. So true. Love these turtles.

  11. We enjoyed reading your poem. Every time there is a new poem on your blog we always jump with excitement. This poem is so detailed that we feel like we are in the moment. Our favorite poem was this one because you wrote it in the turtles' perspective. It may be short, but it is a powerful, beautiful, piece. This poem inspired us to pick up the pen and write. When you say the two "Ahhhs" at the end, it made us feel like the poem was not over yet. We hope you make more poems like this. Thank you for coming to our school. You are an amazing author. We hope to see again sometime.

    From: Talia, Owen and Elizabeth - Grade 5, Fay School

    1. Thank you! You are very observant. I hope you enjoy writing your poems. xx

  12. This piece inspired us to write well crafted poems using your great craft moves.
    We were inspired by this piece of your writing:
    we said
    We named it the "Onomatopoeia Hamburger" move because it looks like a hamburger with the same word on the top and bottom and a different word in the middle. We noticed that it makes you think about, and remember the sound/word from the poem.
    This is the reason why this poem inspired us to write well crafted poems.

    Luke, Carter, and Aidan - Grade 5, Fay School

    1. Love the 'Onomatopoeia Hamburger!' I wonder what will go in/on your hamburger bun . . .
